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Your mission (should you choose to accept it) ....
1 - Download the recording and sheet music below
2 - Email me an mp3 of you singing along - Put the original recording as far away from your mic as possible so when I get your recording back from you it's 90+% your voice and very little of the original recording -
3 - Take and send me photos of you, your home, your can send videos too of you moving, playing, having fun and enjoying this time. Send this to me at by March 28 noon. (Earlier is better, but this gives you a few days)
I found this fun way to mix, edit etc and once I get everyone's part, I'll create something for our community members to sing-a-long with. I think they will love this. Once we do one, we can see how easy it is. Who know's maybe the next one will be one we write together 🎶 Just saying....
Let me know asap if you are up for this!
Body Of GodArtist Name
00:00 / 01:46
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