I had the honor of serving as Music Director at the Center for Spiritual Living Bellevue for a little over 3 years . It was a new center, a small community that served around 50 people - and ultimately, the community was not able to financially sustain itself. When the community disbanded, a part of my personal completion of this chapter was to create a songbook and simple demo CD with 23 community songs I'd written while I was there. Please feel free to listen, sing, share and use these in your communities in whatever way serves you well. If you enjoy or find them useful, I have a "Donate" page where you can contribute any amount that feels good for you. Love, Becca
Community Songs

If you'd like a free" Community Songs" songbook and CD, send me a message from my "Contact" page with your Church or Center name and address and I'll mail one to you. Blessings!